Have you ever been stuck in a confusing, frustrating airport where finding basic necessities like the right gate or the restroom seems impossible? With high-quality airport wayfinding signage, you can eliminate these challenges for passengers and staff members alike.
Airport wayfinding signage directs passersby to the right places within airports. Effective wayfinding not only reduces passenger traffic and congestion but also helps internal operations as well. When employees and passengers alike are able to find their way to the proper places, things flow smoothly, and everyone has a better experience.
We’ve compiled the best examples of airport signage to guide you through improving operations. Find out how different types of airport wayfinding signage can improve the efficiency and flow of airports everywhere.
1. Directional Signage
Directional signage is exactly what it sounds like: signage that points viewers to their desired destinations. Most directional signage uses arrows to signal where people need to go. In airports, this is extremely important.
Many different types of people with different abilities and comprehension levels move through airports on a daily basis. Everyone needs an easy-to-understand symbol that directs them to the right places, and arrows accomplish this goal.
Some of the most important functions of airport directional signage include:
- Terminal and gate information
- Baggage claim directions
- Entrances and exits
- Transportation pickup and drop-off points
- TSA checkpoint information
- Restroom and nursing room directions
- Food, beverage, and toiletry shop information
Directional signage is also prevalent in restaurants, malls, and large warehouses. Almost every building that is a central hub for transportation (like an airport) needs directional signage.
Overall, directional signage greatly increases efficiency in airports. This type of airport signage can also improve the health and safety of visitors. For example, if someone needs immediate directions to a restroom, they can easily find it with accurate directional signage.
2. Informational Signage
Informational signage communicates important pieces of information that people need to navigate the airport safely and securely. It’s especially important that airport informational signage be direct, concise, clear, and easy to read. Accessibility matters, and with high-quality informational signage, you can provide this for visitors.
Some prominent examples of informational signage in airports include flight information displays (FIDs) and emergency exit routes. Such content is crucial for passengers to make their flights on time, safely exit the airport in case of emergencies, and feel comfortable throughout their visit.
You can find informational signage almost anywhere with heavy foot traffic, and airports are no exception. Make sure your informational signage is tailored to industry standards and accessibility to achieve the best results.
3. Regulatory Signage
Finding your way through an airport is about more than just directions or information. It also includes knowing protocols, processes, and operations. This is true for both employees and passengers who are about to get on a flight (or have just landed).
Depending on the size and scope of your airport, you may need more or less regulatory signage. We recommend brushing up on laws and regulations to ensure you remain compliant. Don’t forget that regulatory signage is included in employee-only spaces as well. Some examples of regulatory signage include:
- Security procedures
- Customs and immigration information
- Labor laws and workers’ rights information
- Safety hazard warnings
- TSA standards and protocols
- Workplace safety charts
By using accurate and compliant regulatory signage, you ensure everyone stays safe and knowledgeable in your airport.
4. Digital Wayfinding Kiosks
Digital signage is becoming increasingly popular with each passing year. As the world moves to digital solutions and programs, so does signage. Digital wayfinding solutions help passengers navigate increasingly complex, challenging, and crowded spaces with ease.
Digital wayfinding kiosks are interactive and tailored to each user’s specific needs. When users can tangibly change the screen, select pertinent information, and get access to easily digestible visuals, their airport experiences change for the better.
Interactive kiosks remove the frustration of interpreting confusing maps or unhelpful directional signage. While this doesn’t have to be a problem at your airport, kiosks are still advantageous for enhancing user experiences. Many people understand the digital world better than printed material in modern times.
5. In-Airport Advertising Signage
Advertisements increase revenue and foot traffic throughout shops and stands in airports. They also offer another advantage: the ability to function as wayfinding signage. This is especially important in airports, where travelers are often rushing to get to their destinations.
Advertisement signage directs the way to coffee shops, restaurants, convenience stores, and gift shops. Consumers have more access to airport conveniences like these when they know exactly where they are and how to get to them. This means increased profits and more efficient operations on the back end as well.
In-airport advertising signage should not be overlooked when it comes to increasing efficiency and improving visitor experiences.
Common Challenges With Airport Wayfinding Signage
At DSA Signage, we recognize the importance of high-quality airport wayfinding signage. There are common challenges and obstacles that airports may face when implementing the best practices. Here are some top-tier suggestions to improve the airport landscape when it comes to signage and operations.
Complex Layouts
Clear directional signage combats the problem that most airports face: complex layouts. Many passengers have trouble navigating the many passageways, gates, and terminals that most airports possess. We use consistent, easy-to-read designs to direct passengers to where they need to go.
Multilingual Audiences
People travel through airports from all around the globe. This means you’re faced with accommodating many languages. We use clear typography and pictograms on our high-quality airport signage to help you navigate this complex problem.
Improve Navigation With DSA Airport Wayfinding Signage
Effective wayfinding improves everyone’s experiences throughout airports. At DSA Signage, we tailor your signage to your airport’s specific needs and unique audiences. We have diverse examples and a long history of quality work that you can trust.
As airports become increasingly busy and complex, we strive for continuous improvement in our signage. When you choose DSA Signage, you choose quality, efficiency, and — most importantly — effective wayfinding for passengers and airport staff. Contact DSA Signage today to get started on your journey to more effective airport wayfinding signage.